Redneck Ed: Astro Monsters Show (2020). Russian into English
Redneck Ed: Astro Monsters Show
Our linguists are proud of their contribution to the English translation of Redneck Ed: Astro Monsters Show. A novel entry into a beat’em’up and platformer genre, the game features a healthy amount of text and colorful expressions (with over 20,000 words of dialogue and item descriptions). The characters tend to speak in a non-conventional lingo with a generous dose of slang, occasionalisms, and gaming jargon, and it’s been a fun challenge to convey the game's adventurous atmosphere in the English translation.
A free demo version with the English translation is currently available for download on Steam.
Albion is an expansive RPG for MS-DOS that features over 150,000 words of dialogue, flavor text, item descriptions, images, subtitles, and so on. Along with other contributors we worked on its translation with the sole purpose of making it available to the Russian audience. Our responsibilities included translation, literary editing, proofreading, and playtesting the final product, and we're proud to say that the Russian translation of Albion holds up to the most rigorous professional standards.
Other RPGs of the time that we worked on include BioForge (1995) and Dark Earth (1997).

Albion (1995). English into Russian

Lure of the Temptress (1992). English into Russian
Lure of the Temptress
Lure of the Temptress is one of the first Point & Click Adventures to employ a “Live Theater” approach — a living, breathing world where NPCs don’t just stand in place but wander around and take care of their own business while the player character unravels the mysteries surrounding their plight.
Lure of the Temptress is but a single example of a panoply of adventure games that we had a pleasure of working on at the time. Other titles include Beneath a Steel Sky (1994), Harvester (1996), Day of the Tentacle (1993), and a number of others, in which we participated in various roles ranging from translators to proofreaders. In addition to translating the games themselves, we worked on the accompanying extra materials including user manuals, tech specs, and hintbooks.
Dark Universe
Dark Universe is an unconventional turn-based strategy that received a German release but has never been translated into Russian before. While the in-game text is not particularly extensive, the game comes with a graphic manual full of technical information (installation process, system requirements, troubleshooting) coupled with vivid and imaginary descriptions of the world’s history and ensuing space battles. We contributed to the project as translators and editors, and after the work on the text was done, the collected material — along with samples from BioForge (1995) and Shuttle (1992) — was used to write and publish an academic paper on the topic of Features of the Emotional Component Transfer in Translation of Computer Games Documentation.

Dark Universe (1995). German into Russian

Bioforge (1995). English into Russian
Bioforge is a third-person action thriller with non-conventional storytelling. Characters in the game are predominantly hostile to the player or can't talk at all, but the game successfully tells its complex plot through other means, such as datapad entries, audio journals, hidden clues, and archives that survived the catastrophe on the extraterrestrial research lab.
These tidbits of knowledge are usually far removed from each other, yet together they tell a cohesive, dark story of the laboratory's turbulent past. Figural expressions tightly intertwine with scientific professionalisms and elements of "hard" sci-fi, so working on Bioforge required careful preservation of emotionally charged passages and precise description of technological background behind the dramatic events.